Blood Tests

  • Posts ( 3 )
  • EP Test E - ChemClarity HPLC Test Results
    Sent a sample of EP Test E into an independent lab here in the UK for testing. The owner of the lab said this is most definitely one of the better results he has seen. As a rep for PSL I would like to be as transparent as possible, so here are the honest results!!


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  •     The following table shows the concentrations of testosterone, at a suitable dose, you will help it determine the exact results that you should have at relevant doses .Remember one important thing that the blood works should be performed in a 6th-7th week for long esters and 3rd-4th week for short esters.   DoseBaselineWeek 16   Testosterone (ng/dl) 25 mg 593 ± 48 253 ± 66 50 mg 566 ± 78 306 ± 58 125 mg 553 ± 53 570 ± 75 300 mg 653 ± 50 1,345 ± 139 600 mg 632 ± 63 2,370 ± 150 Free test...


     (280)    (14)     0 comments


  • The Importance in using Quality Products.
    I know your reading and saying, great another plug, another supplier trying to convince me that their products are better. While there may be some truth to that, I as a writer pride myself on writing honest content. If a product I try, test, or mass spec, comes up with sub par results, I’m going to tell you about it! On to the juicy goodness. If you’re like me, through the years you have tried many different brands, Protocols, and even how you administer the product. Trial and error is how we learn, but while we are experimenting should we at...


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